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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Emerald Isle

WE'RE IN IRELAND!!!!!!!!!  There's a reason they call this place "The Emerald Isle." I thought England and Wales were green, but this takes it to a WHOLE different level.  We walked past this cemetery on our hike today, and I loved seeing all the Celtic crosses.  This is St. Kevin's Abbey, which stands right next to the cemetery. I thought this looked like something from the Chronicles of Narnia movies -- it just needed the stone table.  This was the first time that we've really been in a wooded area, which was fun.  We hiked along a ridge that looked down into this valley below.  The crew in the woods. Moral of the story: Ireland is great. :) 


 In our attempt to get from Stratford to Manchester last weekend, we got stuck in the worst traffic jam I've ever been in. We didn't move for 2 hours. Everyone turned off their cars, and people were out walking dogs and playing soccer on the side of the street. It was crazy.  Once in Manchester, we got to visit an old cotton mill, complete with all the machines that they would have used back in the 1800's. It was interesting to see, but also saddening to learn about the hard, dangerous conditions that children had to work in there.  After Manchester, we headed back to Wales, this time to Snowdonia National Park in Northern Wales.  We hiked Mt. Snowdon, the highest peak in Wales.  The views were terrific!  :)  To reach the summit, we hiked up into the clouds. All we could see were the shadowy figures of people in front of us and the rocks jutting out a few feet ahead. It was really eerie, but also super cool.  Sometimes the clouds would break and we


We're in Shakespeare country! But first, a quick recap:  On our way out of Wales a few days ago, we stopped at an old Welsh coal mine that has since been turned into a museum. We got to go down into the coal mine and take a tour, which was simultaneously awesome and terrifying. You couldn't bring phones down into the mines, but here are a few photos from the surface. The above photo is what the ground level of the mine looked like. This was a charter on how the horses used underground in the mines were meant to be treated. Many horses would spend their entire lives underground.  We put on our mining gear and were ready to head down!  And now, Shakespeare country! This is the home where Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon.  Shakespeare's family was well off and had the largest house on their street. Shakespeare's father was a glove-maker. Above, one of our professor's sons models a glove that might have been made by Shakespeare's father


 Sorry for not posting in a while. We have been staying in castles and on top of mountains for the last few days and have thus been without wifi or cell service. It's been a nice break, but it's also nice to be back so I can contact people again!  Yes, we did get to spend the night in a castle! It was so much fun.  Complete with a courtyard.  My room was at the top of this tower! :)  Then we hiked from our castle down into the Wye Valley and hiked into Wales through the green countryside.  And arrived at our destination, Tintern Abbey!  After Tintern Abbey, we spent the next day hiking to the highest summit in South Wales, which offered a spectacular view. Sending love and hugs to you all!!!